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Equality Data

The data below represents the demographics of Nevadans in employment unless otherwise specified

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

The mission of the Equal Rights Commission is to foster and protect the rights of all people of the State reasonably to seek, obtain and hold employment and housing, and seek and be granted services in places of public accommodation, without discrimination, distinction or restriction, as prohibited by state and federal discrimination laws. Most data is confidential pursuant to state and federal laws, however the Commission is proud to report publicly data that may be used to assist the public in understanding Nevada’s demographics based on filings with the Commission and U.S. Census

Settlements back to Nevadans from Nevada Equal Rights Commission filings

Nevada has an approximately 1.07 million employees in its combined industries

List of all industries with reported employees

Nevada Workforce



Workforce Demographics
American Indian or Alaska Native1%
Black or African American 13%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1%
Two or More Race Groups4%

Discrimination in Employment



National Origin


Other NERC Filings

Housing discrimination complaints resolved