The Stevens Amendment is a federal regulation that requires U.S. Departments of Labor (DOL), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education grant recipients to reveal the percent of the costs financed with federal funds, the federal dollar amount, and the percentage and dollar amount financed by nongovernmental funds. The regulation was created with the intent to inform taxpayers of how much money comes from Federal sources in any program, project, or grant activity.
As required by the Amendment, the following statements are for varied Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) divisions. Not all agency divisions are represented as exceptions are possible based on type of federal funding received.
Vocational Rehabilitation (REHAB):
Funding from U.S. Department of Education – For Nevada Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Supported Employment (SE), and/or the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind (OIB) programs. For VR: Federal VR grant paid 78.7% of costs. In Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2019, Nevada VR received $19,623,751 in Federal VR funds. Non-Federal funds paid 21.3% of costs ($5,311,130). For SE: Federal grant paid 95% of costs. In FFY2019, Nevada VR received $69,685 in Federal SE funds. Non-Federal funds sources paid 5% ($4,003) of costs. For OIB: Federal funds paid 90% of costs. In FFY2019, Nevada received $221,143 in Federal OIB funds. Non-Federal funds paid 10% ($24,571) of costs.
Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation (GOWINN):
For Supporting and Advancing Nevada’s Dislocated Individuals (SANDI), the Project SANDI grant totaling $13,818,298.92, awarded by the U.S. Department Education paid for all program costs. An Accelerating Nevada Apprenticeships for All (ANAA) grant, awarded by DOL totaling $3,999,997.00 helped to fund the apprenticeship program*, and two additional grants funded by the DOL totaling $2,500,000.00 and $450,000.00 funded costs for the H-1B Rural Healthcare and the State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 program costs, respectively. All program costs were covered by federal funding received by GOWINN with 0% financed from non-governmental sources.
Employment Security Division (ESD):
Veterans Program Grant:
Funding for program publications is provided 100% by the Department of Labor and the Employment and Training Administration through the Rapid Response Program grant totaling $2,261,153 with 0% funding from nongovernmental sources.
View the Stevens Amendment Frequently Asked Questions for more information
he Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (DETR) is the state’s lead workforce development agency. It consists of divisions that offer workforce related services, job placement and training, services for people with disabilities, investigation of claims of discrimination, unemployment insurance benefits, labor market data and more. Many of these services are provided through Nevada JobConnect career centers and in cooperation with its community partners.
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NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities
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